Our Mission
Our mission is to commit to spreading the Good News of the love of Christ through service to all. Our vision in living into this mission is that God’s love may be experienced in our church and in the world. We value Christ’s greatest commandment to love God, love ourselves, and love our neighbors as ourselves striving to demonstrate God’s unconditional love for the world.
Our Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that is dedicated to creating wholeness in a fragmented world. Our church was founded with the practice of open communion while striving for a universal church removing creeds and institutional polity. More can be found at our denomination’s website: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.

We invite you to come as you are. We love and welcome you as God loves you for who you are. We have members dress in suits and dresses as well as shorts, jeans, and t-shirts.

We practice baptism by immersion as well as practice baby dedications. We acknowledge all baptism as sacred and do not require it for membership.

Communion is central to our worship and practiced every week. Our communion is open to all who wish to partake as Christ invites us to the table.

The Bible
The Bible is the central doctrine of our faith. We are called to read and study the scripture for ourselves taking into account the context it was written. In studying scripture, we encounter God and how God speaks to us.

We believe the church is the Body of Christ with Christ at the head (1 Corinthians 12). All are members of the Body acting as one.

At our church we welcome ALL as children of God. We welcome and love all as our sisters and brothers in Christ.

Social Justice
In following Christ’s example we are committed to demonstrating God’s love through service. Those the builders reject shall become the cornerstone to the realm of God (Gospel According To Matthew 21)

We honor our heritage as a movement for Christian unity by cooperating and partnering with other faith communities to work for bringing about wholeness – healing and justice – in the world. This is what it means to be “ecumenical.”